The substances NaF and CaO are isoelectronic (have the same number of valence electrons). (d) Using the lattice energies in Table 8.1, predict the lattice energy of ScN.
Which of the following trends in lattice energy is due to differences in ionic radii: a. NaCl > RbBr > CsBr, b. BaO > KF, c. SrO > SrCl2?
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Lattice Energy
Ionic Radii
Trends in Ionic Compounds
(a) Does the lattice energy of an ionic solid increase or decrease (i) as the charges of the ions increase, (ii) as the sizes of the ions increase?
Consider the ionic compounds KF, NaCl, NaBr, and LiCl. (a) Use ionic radii (Figure 7.8) to estimate the cation–anion distance for each compound.
Energy is required to remove two electrons from Ca to form Ca2+, and energy is required to add two electrons to O to form O2 - . Yet CaO is stable relative to the free elements. Which statement is the best explanation? (a) The lattice energy of CaO is large enough to overcome these processes. (b) CaO is a covalent compound, and these processes are irrelevant. (c) CaO has a higher molar mass than either Ca or O. (d) The enthalpy of formation of CaO is small. (e) CaO is stable to atmospheric conditions.
List the individual steps used in constructing a Born–Haber cycle for the formation of BaI2 from the elements. Which of the steps would you expect to be exothermic?
Use data from Appendix C, Figure 7.11, and Figure 7.13 to calculate the lattice energy of KI.