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Ch.23 - Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry

Chapter 23, Problem 52a

The lobes of which d orbitals point directly between the ligands in a. octahedral geometry,

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All right. Hi, everyone. So this question is asking us in a square planar geometry which D orbitals have lobes that point directly between the ligands. Option A says DX squared subtracted by Y squared. Only option B says DXY only option C says DX squared subtracted by Y squared and Dzy. And option D says Dxzdyz and DZ squared. So first recall first and foremost that in square planar geometry, ligands are located along the X and the Y axis. And here, if I scroll down, we can see the structures of all five types of D orbitals. On the top, we have dxydxz and DYZ. And on the bottom, we have DX squared subtracted by Y squared and DZ squared. And so based on these images, we have to identify which orbital or orbitals have lobes that are pointing in between the X and the Y axis. And after analyzing each one, we can see that there's only one orbital that has its lobes pointing in between the X and the Y axis, which is where ligands would be in square planar geometry. And that's going to be DXY DXY is the only such orbital. So that's going to be our final answer, which matches with option B in the multiple choice and there you have it. So with that being said, thank you so very much for watching and I hope you found this helpful.