When lead(IV) oxide is heated above 300°C, it decomposes according to the reaction, 2 PbO2(𝑠) ⇌ 2PbO(𝑠) + O2(𝑔). Consider the two sealed vessels of PbO2 shown here. If both vessels are heated to 400°C and allowed to come to equilibrium, which of the following statements is or are true? a. There will be less PbO2 remaining in vessel A than in vessel B.
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Hello everyone today. We are the following problem. The equilibrium for this equation was studied in an experiment equal amounts of arsenic, oxide and carbon were added to reaction vesicles A and B. Ashwin below and allowed to reach equilibrium. Which of the following statements is true. So we're gonna go ahead and say vessel A. Will contain more gaseous products. And this is because vessel A. So vessel A. Has a larger volume and therefore the equilibrium will favor the product side to quote unquote, fill the vessel with gaseous product. And so that's why we can say that vessel A will contain more gaseous products because there's more volume of it. And with that we've answered the question. I hope this helped until next time.