Indicate the principal type of solute–solvent interaction in each of the following solutions and rank the solutions from weakest to strongest solute–solvent interaction: (a) KCl in water
An ionic compound has a very negative ∆Hsoln in water (b) Which term would you expect to be the largest negative number: ∆Hsolvent, ∆Hsolute, or ∆Hmix?
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Enthalpy of Solution (∆H<sub>soln</sub>)
Enthalpy Changes in Solution Process
Comparison of Enthalpy Terms
Indicate the principal type of solute–solvent interaction in each of the following solutions and rank the solutions from weakest to strongest solute–solvent interaction: (b) CH2Cl2 in benzene (C6H6)
Indicate the principal type of solute–solvent interaction in each of the following solutions and rank the solutions from weakest to strongest solute–solvent interaction: (c) methanol (CH3OH) in water
When ammonium chloride dissolves in water, the solution becomes colder. (a) Is the solution process exothermic or endothermic?
When ammonium chloride dissolves in water, the solution becomes colder. (b) Why does the solution form?
Two nonpolar organic liquids, hexane (C6H14) and heptane (C7H16), are mixed. (a) Do you expect ∆Hsoln to be a large positive number, a large negative number, or close to zero? Explain.