At 273 K and 1 atm pressure, 1 mol of an ideal gas occupies 22.4 L. (Section 10.4) (b) Looking at Figure 18.1, we see that the temperature is lower at 85 km altitude than at 50 km. Does this mean that one mole of an ideal gas would occupy less volume at 85 km than at 50 km? Explain.
At 273 K and 1 atm pressure, 1 mol of an ideal gas occupies 22.4 L. (Section 10.4) (c) In which parts of the atmosphere would you expect gases to behave most ideally (ignoring any photochemical reactions)? [Section 18.1]

Verified Solution

Key Concepts
Ideal Gas Law
Conditions for Ideal Gas Behavior
Atmospheric Layers
The figure shows the three lowest regions of Earth's atmo- sphere.
(d) An aurora borealis is due to excitation of atoms and molecules in the atmosphere 55–95 km above Earth's surface. Which regions in the figure are involved in an aurora borealis?
You are working with an artist who has been commissioned to make a sculpture for a big city in the eastern United States. The artist is wondering what material to use to make her sculpture because she has heard that acid rain in the eastern United States might destroy it over time. You take samples of granite, marble, bronze, and other materials, and place them outdoors for a long time in the big city. You periodically examine the appearance and measure the mass of the samples. (a) What observations would lead you to conclude that one or more of the materials are well- suited for the sculpture?