One scale for electronegativity is based on the concept that the electronegativity of any atom is proportional to the ionization energy of the atom minus its electron affinity: electronegativity = k1I - EA2, where k is a proportionality constant. (d) Use your result from part (c) to determine the electronegativities of Cl and O using this scale. Use your result to determine the electronegativity of Cl using this scale.

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Key Concepts
Ionization Energy
Electron Affinity
One scale for electronegativity is based on the concept that the electronegativity of any atom is proportional to the ionization energy of the atom minus its electron affinity: electronegativity = k1I - EA2, where k is a proportionality constant. (b) Why are both ionization energy and electron affinity relevant to the notion of electronegativity?
One scale for electronegativity is based on the concept that the electronegativity of any atom is proportional to the ionization energy of the atom minus its electron affinity: electronegativity = k1I - EA2, where k is a proportionality constant. (c) By using data in Chapter 7, determine the value of k that would lead to an electronegativity of 4.0 for F under this definition.
Acetylene (C2H2) and nitrogen (N2) both contain a triple bond, but they differ greatly in their chemical properties. (b) By referring to Appendix C, look up the enthalpies of formation of acetylene and nitrogen. Which compound is more stable?