Is energy emitted or absorbed when the following electronic transitions occur in hydrogen? (b) from an orbit of radius 0.846 nm to one of radius 0.212 nm
Consider a transition of the electron in the hydrogen atom from n = 8 to n = 3. (b) Will the light be absorbed or emitted?

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Key Concepts
Energy Levels in Atoms
Photon Emission and Absorption
Spectral Lines and Wavelength
Indicate whether energy is emitted or absorbed when the following electronic transitions occur in hydrogen: (a) from n = 2 to n = 3
(a) Using Equation 6.5, calculate the energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom when n = 3 and when n = 6. Calculate the wavelength of the radiation released when an electron moves from n = 6 to n = 3. when n = 6
The visible emission lines observed by Balmer all involved nf = 2. (a) Which of the following is the best explanation of why the lines with nf = 3 are not observed in the visible portion of the spectrum: (i) Transitions to nf = 3 are not allowed to happen, (ii) transitions to nf = 3 emit photons in the infrared portion of the spectrum, (iii) transitions to nf = 3 emit photons in the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum, or (iv) transitions to nf = 3 emit photons that are at exactly the same wavelengths as those to nf = 2.
The visible emission lines observed by Balmer all involved nf = 2. (b) Calculate the wavelengths of the first three lines in the Balmer series—those for which ni = 3, 4, and 5—and identify these lines in the emission spectrum shown in Figure 6.11.
The Lyman series of emission lines of the hydrogen atom are those for which nf = 1. (a) Determine the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the lines of the Lyman series are observed.