Aqueous solutions of ammonia 1NH32 and bleach (active ingredient NaOCl) are sold as cleaning fluids, but bottles of both of them warn: 'Never mix ammonia and bleach, as toxic gases may be produced.' One of the toxic gases that can be produced is chloroamine, NH2Cl. (b) What is the oxidation number of chlorine in chloramine?
Hydrogen gas has the potential for use as a clean fuel in reaction with oxygen. The relevant reaction is 2 H2(g) + O2(g) → 2 H2O(l). Consider two possible ways of utilizing this reaction as an electrical energy source: (i) Hydrogen and oxygen gases are combusted and used to drive a generator, much as coal is currently used in the electric power industry; (ii) hydrogen and oxygen gases are used to generate electricity directly by using fuel cells that operate at 85 °C. Based on the analysis here, would it be more efficient to use the combustion method or the fuel-cell method to generate electrical energy from hydrogen?

Aqueous solutions of ammonia 1NH32 and bleach (active ingredient NaOCl) are sold as cleaning fluids, but bottles of both of them warn: 'Never mix ammonia and bleach, as toxic gases may be produced.' One of the toxic gases that can be produced is chloroamine, NH2Cl. (e) Is N oxidized, reduced, or neither, upon the conversion of ammonia to nitrogen trichloride?
Cytochrome, a complicated molecule that we will represent as CyFe2+, reacts with the air we breathe to supply energy required to synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The body uses ATP as an energy source to drive other reactions (Section 19.7). At pH 7.0 the following reduction potentials pertain to this oxidation of CyFe2+: O21g2 + 4 H+1aq2 + 4 e- ¡ 2 H2O1l2 Ered ° = +0.82 V CyFe3+1aq2 + e- ¡ CyFe2+1aq2 E°red = +0.22 V (a) What is ∆G for the oxidation of CyFe2+ by air? (b) If the synthesis of 1.00 mol of ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) requires a ∆G of 37.7 kJ, how many moles of ATP are synthesized per mole of O2?
Cytochrome, a complicated molecule that we will represent as CyFe2+, reacts with the air we breathe to supply energy required to synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The body uses ATP as an energy source to drive other reactions (Section 19.7). At pH 7.0 the following reduction potentials pertain to this oxidation of CyFe2+: O21g2 + 4 H+1aq2 + 4 e- ¡ 2 H2O1l2 Ered ° = +0.8 (b) If the synthesis of 1.00 mol of ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) requires a ∆G of 37.7 kJ, how many moles of ATP are synthesized per mole of O2?