Give the derived SI units for each of the following quantities in base SI units: (a) acceleration = distance/time2 (b) force = mass × acceleration (c) work = force × distance (d) pressure = force/area
The distance from Earth to the Moon is approximately 240,000 mi. (a) What is this distance in meters?

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Key Concepts
Unit Conversion
Metric System
Dimensional Analysis
Give the derived SI units for each of the following quantities in base SI units: (e) power = work/time
Give the derived SI units for each of the following quantities in base SI units: (g) energy = mass × (velocity)2
The distance from Earth to the Moon is approximately 240,000 mi. (b) The peregrine falcon has been measured as traveling up to 350 km/ hr in a dive. If this falcon could fly to the Moon at this speed, how many seconds would it take?
The distance from Earth to the Moon is approximately 240,000 mi. (c) The speed of light is 3.00 ⨉ 108 m/s. How long does it take for light to travel from Earth to the Moon and back again?
The distance from Earth to the Moon is approximately 240,000 mi. (d) Earth travels around the Sun at an average speed of 29.783 km/s. Convert this speed to miles per hour.