Welcome back, everyone. So in previous videos, we've talked a lot about the different probabilities of certain events happening. We've also talked a lot about frequency distributions. We're basically going to put those ideas together in this video, and we're going to start talking about these things called random variables and probability distributions. This is really, really important, and we're going to be talking a lot about these in the next couple of videos.
So I want to walk you through some key concepts and information you need to know, and then we'll do an example together. Let's get started. So what is a random variable? A variable is just a letter that stands for a number. It's exactly what's going on here.
And the random part just means that it represents a single number determined by chance for each outcome of what we call an experiment. For example, let's say you go out and you enter a random raffle, and these are the number of prizes that you could win in that raffle. These are numbers, and they're determined entirely by chance. There's no skill involved. Alright?
Now there are basically two different types of random variables that you'll need to know. One is called a discrete, abbreviated as DRV, and these are basically when the numbers cannot be broken down further. The classic example I like to use is a dice roll. Your outcomes are either one, two, three, four, five, or six. I can't roll a dice and get something like a 2.4.
That doesn't make any sense. Right? So that is a discrete random variable. The other kind is called a continuous random variable, abbreviated CRV. This is basically the opposite.
These numbers can be broken down further. If you run out and you survey a bunch of people and measure their heights, you don't just get seventy-two or seventy-five inches. You can get all the numbers in between. And if you had powerful enough instruments, you could get into the decimals and things like that. You can break those numbers down even further.
Alright? So why is this all important? Well, basically, what's going to happen in these problems is you're going to be doing a bunch of experiments and you'll organize the outcomes of that experiment with their associated probabilities. And this is what's called a probability distribution. It's basically a table, just like a frequency distribution, and it shows the probabilities of all the possible values that a random variable can be.
Alright? So here's kind of how I like to think about this. It's actually very similar to a frequency distribution. We would go out and survey a bunch of random people. Let's say it was the number of cans of soda they drank per day.
Here were your classes, and you would tally up all of their frequencies. This is something that you're doing sort of after the fact. A probability distribution shows all of the different outcomes of an experiment and their probabilities. And usually, you use these things to predict the theoretical outcomes of this before it happens. That's kind of the idea here.
Alright? Now one of the very first things that you might have to do with a probability distribution is just verify that something is one, and that's exactly what we're going to do in this first example. So let's go ahead and get started here. So we're going to verify this table meets the criteria of a probability distribution, and there's basically two that you need to know. One of the things you'll notice is that all of these probabilities are decimals instead of percents.
That's usually how you're going to see them. And basically, the first criteria is that for any outcome of this experiment, so for any value of x, remember, that's just your random variable, the probability has to be a number between zero and one. You can't have an outcome that represents a 10% probability because that doesn't make any sense. Alright? So that's the first criteria.
And if you go ahead and look through these numbers, all of these criteria all of these numbers here are just decimals that are between zero and one. So that's the first criteria, and this is definitely met. What about the second one? The second one is that when you add up all of the different possible probabilities for all of the outcomes, that sum, remember that's big sigma over here, has to be one. So in other words, it has to be 100%.
Think about it. If I enter in this raffle and all of my outcomes are either zero, one, two, three, or four, that represents all the possible outcomes, and therefore, the probability has to be 100% for any of those things or all of those things combined happening. Alright? So, basically, all of these numbers have to be between zero and one, but they have to add up to one. Alright?
So let's go ahead and make sure that this second criteria is met. Just go ahead and add up all the probabilities, 0.1, 0.20, 0.40, 0.20, and then 0.1. Alright? If you go ahead and add all of these things up, what you should find is that this is a number that equals one. So in other words, this is a probability distribution.
If you added up all of these numbers and you did not get one, you got something that was significantly less or greater than, then this would not be a probability distribution. Alright? So that's basically it for probability distributions. Let's go ahead and take a look at our second example here. Alright?
So we're going to be asked to play a random lottery, and we're going to pay $1. So we're going to be asked to play a random lottery. We're going to pay a dollar to enter this lottery, and we have the profits and probabilities organized. So in other words, these are the outcomes, and these are the associated probabilities. Okay?
So let's take a look at the first question here. What is the missing probability in the table? You'll notice that in this column, one of these numbers is actually missing over here, and we actually don't know what that is. Can we actually find that? Well, the idea here is that remember, all of the different outcomes have to add up to 100%.
So all of the outcomes of the probabilities, that's the sum of px. So what we can use here is if all of these things have to add up to one oh, sorry. All these have to add up to one. Right? 100%, which equals one.
So in other words, basically, what happens is the, the probability that you have a $5 profit is basically just going to be one minus everything else. Right? It's going to be one minus all of the other probabilities. 0.4 minus 0.35 minus 0.01. What you should get when you do this is you should get 0.24. Alright? So in other words, there is a 24% chance that you actually net $5 out of this lottery when you do this.
Alright? So that's basically how you could find one missing probability. Normally, what's going to happen in these problems is only one of them can be missing. Otherwise, you'd have multiple variables and you wouldn't be able to solve that. Right?
So let's take a look at the second problem here. What's the probability of at least breaking even? What does that mean? Essentially, what happens is if you look through these profits, there's actually three possibilities. One is that you lose money.
The other one is that you exactly break even. And then the other ones over here are where you actually make money. At least that word at least means we're basically going to be adding up a bunch of probabilities. We're going to be adding up p zero plus p that you get $5 back plus p that you get $1,000,000 back. So all you have to do is just add up those probabilities.
So now that we know that this is actually equal to 0.24, all we have to do is just add up those decimals. Okay? So this is just going to be 0.35. That's the probability of getting of breaking even. But we're trying to figure out the probability of at least breaking even.
So either breaking even or the other ones where I make money. So you're going to add up these decimals, 0.35, 0.24, and then 0.01. When you do this, what you should get is you should get 0.60. So in other words, there is a 60% chance that you play this lottery and at least you walk away without losing money. Alright.
So this is a pretty great lottery. I would definitely buy that. Alright. So that's it for this one, folks. That's just an intro to discrete random variables and probability distributions.
Now they know now we know a little bit more about this. Let's get some practice.