Hey, everyone. We just learned how to find the number of different ways we could wear different outfits on any given day. But what if instead of a single day, we wanted to look at the week ahead and determine the different ways we could wear five different shirts over five different days? Well, the number of ways that we could choose to do this is actually something called permutations, which are just a way to arrange a number of things in a specific order with each thing occurring only once. Now that word permutations might make this sound like it's going to be complicated and a bit tricky, but you don't have to worry about that because here I'm going to walk you through exactly what permutations are and how we can calculate them using the fundamental counting principle and factorials, two things that we already know how to do.
So let's go ahead and get started. When looking at our five different shirts that we want to figure out how to wear over five different days, we're going to use the fundamental counting principle and first look at the number of options that we have on that first day. So on Monday, I have all five different shirts to choose from, so I have five total options. But then on Monday, if I pick to wear this pink shirt, then on Tuesday, I'm left with only four options. So if on Tuesday, I choose to wear this teal shirt over here, on Wednesday, I now only have three options left, then two on Thursday and one on Friday.
Now this five times four times three times two times one, you might recognize as being a five factorial, and you'd be right. The number of different ways we could wear five different shirts over five days is equal to five factorial. But what if instead of five shirts, I actually had eight different shirts to choose from? How would I choose that? Well, on that first day, I now have eight total options because now I have eight shirts to choose from.
Then on that second day, I only have seven and then six and then five and then four. But this is not equal to eight factorial. So if we can't always find permutations by just taking the factorial, how exactly are we going to calculate it? Well, permutations have a specific formula, this formula right here, that is based on the number of total options that we're given and how many things we're picking out of that total. So if I take this formula and apply it to my problem with eight shirts over five days, I'm going to take the total number of options I'm faced with, in this case eight, and the factorial of that and divide it by that total minus the number of things that I'm choosing.
In this case, since I'm only choosing shirts for five days, my number here is five, then the factorial of that. Now this simplifies to 8!−3!, which is actually exactly what this here is. So a couple of things that I want to point out about our equation here is that n is always going to be the largest number. So n factorial on the top, that n is always going to be your total. It's going to be the largest number that you're given in a problem.
Then on the bottom, we're going to take that total and subtract our smaller number. Now in terms of notation, you may see this written as pnr here or pn,r in parentheses. Now this can be read as the number of permutations of n things taken r at a time. Now that might sound a little bit overwhelming just because there are so many words going on, but let's go ahead and work through some examples together to make this a bit more clear. So in our first problem here, we have a teacher that is choosing a line leader and a door holder from her class of 25 students.
So we want to know how many ways there are for the teacher to choose these positions. So using our permutations formula here, the first thing we want to do is identify our values for n and r. Now remember, n is always going to be your largest number here. So in this case, we have a total of 25 students, so this 25 represents our value of n. Now for r, we're looking at how many things we're choosing out of that total.
So we're choosing a line leader and a door holder, so that tells us that our value for r is equal to two because we're choosing two positions out of our total of 25 different students. So in that permutations notation, I would write that as pn=r25,2. And from here, we're just going to plug these values into our formula. So remember, our largest number, our n, is always going to come on the top there so that I have 25! on the top. Then on the bottom, I take that 25 and I subtract that smaller number, in this case two, and I take the factorial of that.
Now simplifying this, this gives me 25!−23!. Now you may be worried that we're now going to have to write all of these factorials out, but you don't have to worry about that because there's actually a much easier way to solve this by simply rewriting the numerator in order to cancel out the denominator. So here, since our numerator is 25 factorial and our denominator is 23 factorial, we want to rewrite that 25 factorial as 25 times 24 times 23 factorial using what we know about factorials here. Then since this gets divided by 23 factorial, that will end up canceling out and give me my final answer of 25 times 24, which is simply equal to 600.
So there are 600 different ways that the teacher could choose a line leader and a door holder from their class of 25 different students. Now looking at our second example here, we see that on our homework, there are 10 fill-in-the-blank questions and a word bank of 14 words. If we can only use each word once, how many possible ways could we answer these 10 questions? So again, the first thing that we want to do here is identify our values of n and r. So remember, n is always going to be your largest number, in this case, 14.
This represents my total. Then r is my smaller number that I'm choosing from my total. In this case, I'm choosing 10 words out of my total of 14. So 10 represents my value for r. Now writing this in our permutations notations, this is written as p14,10.
Now we're just left to plug everything into our formula here. So in this formula, we're going to take that 14 factorial on the top, our largest number. And then on the bottom, we have 14 minus 10 factorial. Now this simplifies to 14!−4! and again here we want to go ahead and rewrite the numerator to cancel the denominator. Now something that you might notice here is that we actually could just type this into our calculator if we know how to use the factorial button.
And there actually is a specific function on your calculator to do permutations. But if you're not quite sure how to use that, we can always work this out by hand. So let's continue here and rewrite our numerator to cancel our denominator. Now this one is going to get a bit long but that's okay so let's go ahead and start. Now on that numerator, I can simplify this to 14 times 13 times 12 all the way down to five, multiplying all of that along the way. Now if I type this in my calculator now, multiplying all of that, I'm going to get a value of 3,632,428,800. So these are all of the different ways that we could fill in these 10 questions. So it's safe to say that guessing is not going to be your best bet here. So now that we know what permutations are and how to calculate them, let's get some more practice.
Let me know if you have any questions.