Why are protists considered paraphyletic? a. They include many extinct forms, including lineages that no longer have any living representatives. b. They include some but not all descendants of their most recent common ancestor. c. They represent all of the descendants of a single common ancestor. d. Not all protists have all of the synapomorphies that define the Eukarya, such as a nucleus.
Evaluate the following statements regarding motility in protists. Select True or False for each statement. T/F Amoeboid motion is common in species with cell walls. T/F Some protists use flagella to swim. T/F Some protists use cilia to swim, which are shorter and more numerous than flagella. T/F Amoeboid motion requires ATP and interactions between the proteins actin and myosin.

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Key Concepts
Amoeboid Motion
Flagella and Cilia
Energy Requirements for Motility
The most important primary producers in marine ecosystems are .
How can dinoflagellates be harmful to humans? a. They are transmitted by mosquitoes and cause malaria. b. They produce toxins that can be absorbed by clams and other shellfish which, when eaten by people, can lead to paralytic shellfish poisoning. c. They cause amoebic dysentery which leads to severe diarrhea and dehydration. d. They are transmitted by tsetse flies and cause 'sleeping sickness.'
The text claims that the evolutionary history of protists can be understood as a series of morphological innovations that established seven distinct lineages, each of which subsequently diversified based on innovative ways of feeding, moving, and reproducing. Explain how the Alveolata support this claim.
Consider the following: Plasmodium has an unusual organelle called an apicoplast. Recent research has shown that apicoplasts are derived from chloroplasts via secondary endosymbiosis and have a large number of genes related to chloroplast DNA. Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides. It works by poisoning an enzyme located in chloroplasts. Biologists are testing the hypothesis that glyphosate could be used as an antimalarial drug in humans. How are these observations connected?