Chapter 25, Problem 2
What does the chemiosmotic hypothesis claim? a. ATP is generated using phosphates taken from intermediates in the electron transport chain. b. ATP is generated using a phosphate gradient produced by glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. c. ATP is generated using a proton-motive force that is produced by the electron transport chain. d. Water is generated using electrons taken from NADH and FADH2 and transported through the electron transport chain.
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What do some photosynthetic bacteria use as a source of electrons instead of water? a. oxygen (O2) b. hydrogen sulfide (H2S) c. organic compounds (e.g., CH3COO−) d. nitrate (NO3-)
What are organisms called that use inorganic compounds as electron donors in cellular respiration? a. phototrophs b. heterotrophs c. organotrophs d. lithotrophs
Unlike plant cell walls that contain cellulose, bacterial cell walls are composed of .
Explain how feedback inhibition regulates metabolic pathways.