Economics Today: A Canadian Perspective Microeconomics, Canadian Edition, 1st edition

Published by Pearson Canada (January 3, 2022) © 2023

  • Roger LeRoy Miller Institute for University Studies, Arlington Texas
  • Lia Rizzo Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • George Sroka Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Jim Higginson Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Mustaq Ahmad Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
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Students learn best when they see concepts applied to examples from their everyday lives, so Economics Today addresses real, cutting-edge issues while facilitating student learning. The text shows students how economics is front and center in their daily routines, while providing them with many ways to evaluate their understanding of key concepts covered in each chapter. Economics Today includes emphasis on behavioral economics, along with all-new problems, vignettes, and features that engage students and help them focus on the central ideas in economics today. With a brand new video program students can also visualize and understand key economics principles in a modern and engaging way.

  1. The Nature of Economics
  2. Scarcity and the World of Trade-Offs
  3. Demand and Supply
  4. Extensions of Demand and Supply Analysis
  5. Market Failures and the Public Sector
  6. Demand and Supply Elasticity
  7. Consumer Choice
  8. The Firm: Cost and Output Determination
  9. Perfect Competition
  10. Monopoly
  11. Monopolistic Competition
  12. Oligopoly and Strategic Behaviour
  13. The Labour Market
  14. Income, Poverty, and Federal Income Support Programs
  15. Environmental Economics

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