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2. 1D Motion / Kinematics
Velocity-Time Graphs & Acceleration

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Textbook Question
The Fastest (and Most Expensive) Car! The table shows test data for the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, the fastest street car made. The car is moving in a straight line (the x-axis). (a) Sketch a vx–t graph of this car's velocity (in mi/h) as a function of time. Is its acceleration constant? (b) Calculate the car's average acceleration (in m/s2) between (i) 0 and 2.1 s; (ii) 2.1 s and 20.0 s; (iii) 20.0 s and 53 s. Are these results consistent with your graph in part (a)? (Before you decide to buy this car, it might be helpful to know that only 300 will be built, it runs out of gas in 12 minutes at top speed, and it costs more than $1.5 million!)

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