So now let's do a quick review of percentages and decimals. The first thing we want to be able to do is switch between percentages and decimals. Take a percentage and turn it into a decimal or a decimal and turn it into a percentage. In both cases, the idea is we have to identify where the decimal point is, and a lot of times that's easy if you have a number like 150.23, but what if you just had the number 16? In this situation, the decimal point is implied at the end. So that's the decimal point after the 16. If you don't see one, it's going to be at the end, and when we're going from percentage to decimal, we're going to move the decimal point 2 spaces to the left when we go from percentage to decimal and when we're going from decimal to percentage, we're going to also move 2 places here, but we're going to move to the right. Cool?
Alright. So let's go ahead and practice a little bit. I'm just going to keep this in the same video for this practice. So what I want you to do is, why don't you pause the video real quick and do these and then continue, and we'll go through them together. Alright. So I'm guessing you paused the video and you're back now. So let's do this. 50% and we're going to convert it to a decimal. So we start with this one. The decimal is implied after the 50, so we are going to move it 2 places to the left, and we are going to get a decimal of my answer's in blue 0.50. Alright, 0.50 or 0.5. You can drop that last 0 and it's okay.
Alright. Let's do this next one. 1.25%. Now we're going to move it 2 places to the left, and now our new decimals here, we have to add a 0 in there, and we are going to get 0.0125 for 1.25%. Let's try the same thing with a 120%. So we've got our decimal point right there. Move 2 to the left. We're going to get 1.2 is equal to 120%. Same thing for 5% over here. Our decimals here. So we're going to move it 1 space, 2 spaces, fill it with a 0, and we are going to get, 0.05 for that one.
So compare that one with 50%, the first one that we did. Right? You want to be able to see the difference between 5% and 50%. Notice we've got that point 05 there. How about this next one, 31.34? We're just going to move the decimal two to the left and get point 3134. 12.5%. 2 to the left. Point 125. So compare that with the 1.25% right above it, and here we have 0.5%. So notice comparing this to 5% and 50%. So we're going to move it 1, 2 spaces, add a 0 in there, and we're going to get 0.005 is 0.5%. Alright? And a 100%, last one here. Move it 2, and we're going to get 1, just 1.
Let's do the same thing here with the decimals to percentage on the bottom. So pause the video real quick, try these out, and then let's do them together. Alright. So you're back now. Let's go ahead and solve these, decimals to percentage. So the first one here, 0.34, we're going to move 2 to the right to become a percentage. We're going to get 34% for this first one. How about 0.61? Same thing. Move 2. You're going to get 61%. Let me move out of the way here. 0.06. Move 2, and we are going to get 6%. 0.4512, we'll move 2, and we'll get 45.12%. Right. How about 0.0004? We're going to also, same process, move it over 2 and we are going to get a decimal of 0.04. You could also write 0.04, right, and that is a percent. Right. 0.04%. The last one here, the number 1. Remember if it doesn't give us the decimal, it's implied at the end. So we're going to move it 1, 2, add the zeros, and we'll get 100% for 1. Cool. So that is converting percentages and decimals. Let's move on to the next video.