A reaction has a rate constant of 0.000122/s at 27 °C and 0.228/s at 77 °C. b. What is the value of the rate constant at 17 °C?
Consider this overall reaction, which is experimentally observed to be second order in AB and zero order in C: AB + C → A + BC Is the following mechanism valid for this reaction? AB + AB →k1 AB2 + A Slow AB2 + C → k2 AB + BC Fast
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Reaction Order
Rate Law
Elementary Steps in Reaction Mechanisms
Consider these two gas-phase reactions: a. AA(g) + BB(g) → 2 AB(g) b. AB(g) + CD(g) → AC(g) + BD(g) If the reactions have identical activation barriers and are carried out under the same conditions, which one would you expect to have the faster rate?
Which of these two reactions would you expect to have the smaller orientation factor? Explain. a. O(g) + N2(g) → NO( g) + N(g) b. NO(g) + Cl2(g) → NOCl( g) + Cl(g)
Consider this three-step mechanism for a reaction:
Cl2 (g) k1⇌k2 2 Cl (g) Fast
Cl (g) + CHCl3 (g) →k3 HCl (g) + CCl3 (g) Slow
Cl (g) + CCl3 (g) →k4 CCl4 (g) Fast
a. What is the overall reaction?
Consider this three-step mechanism for a reaction:
Cl2 (g) k1⇌k2 2 Cl (g) Fast
Cl (g) + CHCl3 (g) →k3 HCl (g) + CCl3 (g) Slow
Cl (g) + CCl3 (g) →k4 CCl4 (g) Fast
c. What is the predicted rate law?
Consider this two-step mechanism for a reaction: NO2(g) + Cl2(g) → k1 ClNO2(g) + Cl g) Slow NO2(g) + Cl(g) →k2 ClNO2(g) Fast b. Identify the intermediates in the mechanism.