Textbook Question
The nuclide 247Es can be made by bombardment of 238U in a reaction that emits five neutrons. Identify the bombarding particle.
The nuclide 247Es can be made by bombardment of 238U in a reaction that emits five neutrons. Identify the bombarding particle.
The nuclide 6Li reacts with 2H to form two identical particles. Identify the particles.
The half-life of 238U is 4.5⨉109 yr. A sample of rock of mass 1.6 g produces 29 dis/s. Assuming all the radioactivity is due to 238U, find the percent by mass of 238U in the rock.
The nuclide 18F decays by both electron capture and β+ decay. Find the difference in the energy released by these two processes. The atomic masses are 18F = 18.000950 and 18O = 17.9991598.