The first ionization energy of sodium is 496 kJ/mol. Use Coulomb's law to estimate the average distance between the sodium nucleus and the 3s electron. How does this distance compare to the atomic radius of sodium? Explain the difference.

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Key Concepts
Ionization Energy
Coulomb's Law
Atomic Radius
You have cracked a secret code that uses elemental symbols to spell words. The code uses numbers to designate the elemental symbols. Each number is the sum of the atomic number and the highest principal quantum number of the highest occupied orbital of the element whose symbol is to be used. The message may be written forward or backward. Decode the following messages: a. 10, 12, 58, 11, 7, 44, 63, 66
Use Coulomb's law to calculate the ionization energy in kJ>mol of an atom composed of a proton and an electron separated by 100.00 pm. What wavelength of light has sufficient energy to ionize the atom?
Consider the elements: B, C, N, O, F. d. Which element has three unpaired electrons?
Consider the elements: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P. a. Which element has the highest second ionization energy?
Consider the elements: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P. b. Which element has the smallest atomic radius?