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Ch.4 - Chemical Quantities & Aqueous Reactions

Chapter 4, Problem 28c

Calculate how many moles of NH3 form when each quantity of reactant completely reacts. 3 N2H4(l) → 4 NH3(g) + N2(g) c. 65.3 g N2H4

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Alright, so the combustion of octane is represented by the balanced reaction below here, if 39.27 g of propane is combusted, we need to calculate the moles of C. 02 produced. So here we have given propane and we want the amount of moles of C. 02. Okay, so let's go ahead and take a look at this. So we're talking about we have a balanced reaction so we don't need to balance it. Okay? And we're gonna go ahead and start with the number that is given to us. So we have 39.27 g of C eight age 18 of octane is a propane. That is octane, I'm sorry. And we're going to go ahead and convert this into molds by using the molar mass of octane. Okay, so let's go ahead and calculate that. So we have carbon And hydrogen for the carbon, we have eight of them and each of them weigh 12 g. So that is going to give us 96 g for carbon. And then for the hydrogen we have 18, 18 of them times 1.01 oops, times one point oh one g And that will be 18. g. So when we add that together, we get 100 and 14 0. g per mole. Alright, so that's the molar mass of octane. So in one mole of C eight H 18, There are 114.18 g of C8 Age 18. Alright, so we can cancel the g and now we have moles now that we have moles, we can actually do a multiple comparison between octane And c. 0. 2. Okay, so we're gonna put moles of octane on the bottom and from the balanced equation, we can see that we're actually using two moles of octane. So we write two moles of octane. Okay? And then for every two moles of octane, we're producing 16 rolls of CO2. Okay, So this allows us to cancel out moles of octane and get moles of C. 02, and that is exactly what this question is asking. They don't want C 02 and grams, they just wanted to mold. So we're going to go ahead and just leave it right there and find the answer. So let's go ahead and divide and multiply everything here, and we should get 2.75 moles of C 02. Okay, so according to this balanced equation, when we combust, 39.27 g of octane, this is how many moles of C. 02 are going to be produced. Alright, folks, so that is it. That was pretty easy. Right? If you have any questions, let us know and we'll see you in the next video