Using only the elements Ca, Cl, and Si, give formulas for the following. (a) An ionic compound
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Hey everyone R. Question here wants us to provide the name and formula of the compound form by magnesium and iodine. Now we know that magnesium has a plus two charge since it's in our group to A and iodine has a minus one charge since it's in our group seven A. And when we combine the two we can simply use our criss cross method and we end up with a formula of M. G. I. To. Now when we name this, per our naming rules are medal is going to be named as is which is magnesium and for our non metal which is I dine we're going to replace its ending of I N. E to I D. E. So our name for our compound is going to be magnesium. I died. So I hope this made sense. And let us know if you have any questions.