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Ch.7 - Covalent Bonding and Electron-Dot Structures

Chapter 7, Problem 60

The dipole moment of BrCl is 0.518 D, and the distance between atoms is 213.9 pm. What is the percent ionic char-acter of the BrCl bond?

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Hello. Everyone in this video we're trying to calculate for the percent ionic character of silver iodide, which is just A G. I. So we'll do the mission analysis here first. We'll start off with the given 254.5 p. m. To convert that into just meters. So for every one p.m. we have 10 to the negative 12 m And then we'll next use a columns um unit here and that just measures electric charge. So found in my textbook we have a value of 1. times 10 to the -90 columns for this molecule here. And that's just be over one. We see here that the PM will cancel and next we can go ahead and finally bring out the units of Dubai. So we have a conversion factor here. So for everyone to buy we have the value of 3.336 times 10 to negative 30 columns times meters. So you see now the units of meters will cancel as well as our columns leaving us with just the units of Dubai. So putting everything into my calculator, I get the numerical value of 12.21. Goodbye. Now for the percent Ionic character Will have the given 4.55 Dubai over what we just calculated for and that's 12.21 Dubai of course we need to multiply this by 100% since we calculate the percentage here, putting everything into my calculator I get the percent ionic character equal to 37.3%. So this is going to be my final answer for this problem.