(c) With what neutral homonuclear diatomic molecules are the NO+ and NO- ions isoelectronic (same number of electrons)? With what neutral homonuclear diatomic molecule is the NO- ion isoelectronic (same number of electrons)?
The figure that follows contains ball-and-stick drawings of three possible shapes of an AF4 molecule. (a) For each shape, give the electron-domain geometry on which the molecular geometry is based. i.
![Ball-and-stick models of three AF4 molecular shapes labeled I, II, and III.](https://lightcat-files.s3.amazonaws.com/problem_images/75f34d156bad2b36-1664544481712.jpg)
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Electron-Domain Geometry
Molecular Geometry
VSEPR Theory
Azo dyes are organic dyes that are used for many applications, such as the coloring of fabrics. Many azo dyes are derivatives of the organic substance azobenzene, C12H10N2. A closely related substance is hydrazobenzene, C12H12N2. The Lewis structures of these two substances are
(Recall the shorthand notation used for benzene.) (b) How many unhybridized atomic orbitals are there on the N and the C atoms in each of the substances? How many unhybridized atomic orbitals are there on the N and the C atoms in hydrazobenzene?
The figure that follows contains ball-and-stick drawings of three possible shapes of an AF4 molecule. (a) For each shape, give the electron-domain geometry on which the molecular geometry is based. iii.
For each of these contour representations of molecular orbitals, identify (a) the atomic orbitals (s or p) used to construct the MO (i)
For each of these contour representations of molecular orbitals, identify (c) whether the MO is bonding or antibonding (i)