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Ch.2 - Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Chapter 2, Problem 83b

b. Write a structural formula for 1-pentanol.

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Hey everyone, we're asked to provide the name of the following alcohol. Now we know with alcohols are suffix has to be O L. So that's going to be at the ending of our base name. Now let's go ahead and count out our longest carbon chain. So we have 12345. And again we want to put the lowest number next to our alcohol, which takes priority. So we're not going to number this as 1234 and five. Since the numbering in blue would give our alcohol group a higher number and we wanted to be the lowest number possible. So when we name this, we know that five carbons give us the prefix of pent and an alcohol is going to give us that ending of O. L. So we have pentagonal as our base name. And since we have our alcohol connected to that first carbon, we have to denote that by adding the number one prior to our pension als and adding a dash in between. So this is going to be our final answer for this question. Now, I hope that made sense. And let us know if you have any questions