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Ch.2 - Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Chapter 2, Problem 87

All the structures shown here have the molecular formula C8H18. Which structures are the same molecule? (Hint: One way to answer this question is to determine the chemical name for each structure.)

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Hello everyone. So in this video we're being asked if these two provided molecules over here if they are customers or they're identical. So let's first go ahead and evaluate the first compound. So we have 12345 atoms on our parent chain. We can just say this is a parent chain. And then for the second one again, let's see. We have 12345. So they both have five items on their parent chain. A difference here, we can see clearly is that for for the first one we have a methyl group on our fifth carbon. And then for the molecule on the bottom we have a method group on the second carbon. So it's familiar with this out. So we have metal On carbon # five. And then for this one on the bottom here, we have a method On Carbon # two. Okay, so the molecules that are shown here are definitely not identical. They are members. Alright, so this is going to be my final answer for this problem. Hopefully this helped. Thank you all so much for watching.