(c) During a certain reversible process, the surroundings undergo an entropy change, ΔSsurr = -78 J/K. What is the entropy change of the system for this process?
(a) What is the difference between a state and a microstate of a system?

Verified Solution

Key Concepts
State of a System
Statistical Mechanics
(a) What sign for Δ𝑆 do you expect when the pressure on 0.600 mol of an ideal gas at 350 K is increased isothermally from an initial pressure of 0.750 atm?
(b) If the final pressure on the gas is 1.20 atm, calculate the entropy change for the process.
(c) Which of the following statements about this process are true? (i) The entropy change you calculated will be the same for at any other constant temperature. (ii) The value of Δ𝑆 you calculated is valid only if the compression is done irreversibly. (iii) If the number of moles of gas being compressed were decreased by a factor of three, the entropy change would increase by a factor of three.
For the isothermal expansion of a gas into a vacuum, ΔE = 0, q = 0, and w = 0. (b) Explain why no work is done by the system during this process.
(b) As a system goes from state A to state B, its entropy decreases. What can you say about the number of microstates corresponding to each state?
(c) In a particular spontaneous process, the number of microstates available to the system decreases. What can you conclude about the sign of ΔSsurr?
Would each of the following changes increase, decrease, or have no effect on the number of microstates available to a system: (b) decrease in volume