Silicon carbide, SiC, has the three-dimensional structure shown in the figure.
(b) Would you expect the bonding in SiC to be predominantly ionic, metallic, or covalent?
Silicon carbide, SiC, has the three-dimensional structure shown in the figure.
(b) Would you expect the bonding in SiC to be predominantly ionic, metallic, or covalent?
Energy bands are considered continuous due to the large number of closely spaced energy levels. The range of energy levels in a crystal of copper is approximately 1×10−19 J. Assuming equal spacing between levels, one can approximate the spacing between energy levels by dividing the range of energies by the number of atoms in the crystal. b. Determine the average spacing in J between energy levels in the copper metal in part (a).
Sodium oxide (Na2O) adopts a cubic structure with Na atoms represented by green spheres and O atoms by red spheres.
(c) The unit cell edge length is 5.550 Å. Determine the density of Na2O.
Germanium has the same structure as silicon, but the unit cell size is different because Ge and Si atoms are not the same size. If you were to repeat the experiment described in Additional Exercise 12.117, but replace the Si crystal with a Ge crystal, would you expect the X rays to be diffracted at a larger or smaller angle 𝜃?
(a) The density of diamond is 3.5 g>cm3, and that of graphite is 2.3 g>cm3. Based on the structure of buckminsterfullerene, what would you expect its density to be relative to these other forms of carbon?
(a) What are the C¬C¬C bond angles in diamond?