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Ch.8 - Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding

Chapter 8, Problem 10a

(a) True or false: The hydrogen atom is most stable when it has a full octet of electrons.

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Hello everyone in this video. We're going to go ahead and see if this following statement is true or false. So, steven reed's roaming the most stable when it has seven electrons in its valence shell. Well, we know that roaming just just be our That's in group 7 8, Which does have a predictable amount of seven vans electrons. But just because it has some advanced electrons does not make it the most stable. So when mike's it the most stable is when roaming has fulfilled its octet, how it fulfills this octet. So let's just put the sea sad face for not satisfied and grooming with aac tent. Yes, well, smelly face because happy. So Whenever we have an octet that just means eight and if you gain one electron then you fulfill its octet. Therefore, instead of having some electrons to make it the most stable and needs to have eight valence electrons. So the statement is actually going to be So the answer is going to be False because we need eight and not seven. And this is going to be our final answer for this problem.