Identify the element represented by each of the following symbols and give the number of protons and neutrons in each: (a) 7433X

Verified Solution

Key Concepts
Atomic Number
Mass Number
(a) Assuming the dimensions of the nucleus and atom shown in Figure 2.10, what fraction of the volume of the atom is taken up by the nucleus?
(b) Using the mass of the proton from Table 2.1 and assuming its diameter is 1.0 * 10-15 m, calculate the density of a proton in g>cm3.
Identify the element represented by each of the following symbols and give the number of protons and neutrons in each: (b) 12753X (c) 8636X (d) 6730X
The nucleus of 6Li is a powerful absorber of neutrons. It exists in the naturally occurring metal to the extent of 7.5%. In the era of nuclear deterrence, large quantities of lithium were processed to remove 6Li for use in hydrogen bomb production. The lithium metal remaining after removal of 6Li was sold on the market. (a) What are the compositions of the nuclei of 6Li and 7Li?
The nucleus of 6Li is a powerful absorber of neutrons. It exists in the naturally occurring metal to the extent of 7.5%. In the era of nuclear deterrence, large quantities of lithium were processed to remove 6Li for use in hydrogen bomb production. The lithium metal remaining after removal of 6Li was sold on the market. (b) The atomic masses of 6Li and 7Li are 6.015122 and 7.016004 u, respectively. A sample of lithium depleted in the lighter isotope was found on analysis to contain 1.442% 6Li. What is the average atomic weight of this sample of the metal?