Reactions in which a substance decomposes by losing CO are called decarbonylation reactions. The decarbonylation of acetic acid proceeds according to: CH3COOH(l) → CH3OH(g) + CO(g) By using data from Appendix C, calculate the minimum temperature at which this process will be spontaneous under standard conditions. Assume that ΔH° and ΔS° do not vary with temperature.
Consider the following reaction between oxides of nitrogen: NO2(g) + N2O(g) → 3 NO(g) (c) Calculate ΔG at 1000 K. Is the reaction spontaneous under standard conditions at this temperature?
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG)
Standard Conditions
Spontaneity of Reactions
Consider the following reaction between oxides of nitrogen: NO2(g) + N2O(g) → 3 NO(g) (a) Use data in Appendix C to predict how ΔG for the reaction varies with increasing temperature.
Consider the following reaction between oxides of nitrogen: NO2(g) + N2O(g) → 3 NO(g) (b) Calculate ΔG at 800 K, assuming that ΔH° and ΔS° do not change with temperature. Under standard conditions is the reaction spontaneous at 800 K?
Methanol (CH3OH) can be made by the controlled oxidation of methane: CH4(g) + 12 O2(g) → CH3OH(g) (b) Will ΔG for the reaction increase, decrease, or stay unchanged with increasing temperature?
(a) Using data in Appendix C, estimate the temperature at which the free-energy change for the transformation from I2(s) to I2(g) is zero. (b) Use a reference source, such as Web Elements (, to find the experimental melting and boiling points of I2. (c) Which of the values in part (b) is closer to the value you obtained in part (a)?