Judge the following statements as true or false. If you believe a statement to be false, provide a corrected version. (g) The number 0.0033 has more significant figures than 0.033.
In 2009, a team from Northwestern University and Western Washington University reported the preparation of a new 'spongy' material composed of nickel, molybdenum, and sulfur that excels at removing mercury from water. The density of this new material is 0.20 g/cm3, and its surface area is 1242 m2 per gram of material. (b) Calculate the surface area for a 10.0-mg sample of this material.

Verified Solution

Key Concepts
Surface Area to Mass Ratio
Unit Conversion
Calculation of Surface Area
Judge the following statements as true or false. If you believe a statement to be false, provide a corrected version. (i) Compounds always contain at least two different elements.
You are assigned the task of separating a desired granular material with a density of 3.62 g/cm3 from an undesired granular material that has a density of 2.04 g/cm3. You want to do this by shaking the mixture in a liquid in which the heavier material will fall to the bottom and the lighter material will float. A solid will float on any liquid that is more dense. Using an Internet-based source or a handbook of chemistry, find the densities of the following substances: carbon tetrachloride, hexane, benzene, and diiodomethane. Which of these liquids will serve your purpose, assuming no chemical interaction takes place between the liquid and the solids?