A weather balloon is inflated to a volume of 28.5 L at a pressure of 748 mmHg and a temperature of 28.0 °C. The balloon rises in the atmosphere to an altitude of approximately 25,000 ft, where the pressure is 385 mmHg and the temperature is -15.0 °C. Assuming the balloon can freely expand, calculate the volume of the balloon at this altitude.
A wine-dispensing system uses argon canisters to pressurize and preserve wine in the bottle. An argon canister for the system has a volume of 55.0 mL and contains 26.0 g of argon. When the argon is released from the canister, it expands to fill the wine bottle. How many 750.0-mL wine bottles can be purged with the argon in the canister at a pressure of 1.20 atm and a temperature of 295 K? Assuming ideal gas behavior, what is the pressure in the canister at 295 K?

A piece of dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) with a mass of 28.8 g sublimes (converts from solid to gas) into a large balloon. Assuming that all of the carbon dioxide ends up in the balloon, what is the volume of the balloon at 22 °C and a pressure of 742 mmHg?
A 1.0-L container of liquid nitrogen is kept in a closet measuring 1.0 m by 1.0 m by 2.0 m. Assuming that the container is completely full, that the temperature is 25.0 °C, and that the atmospheric pressure is 1.0 atm, calculate the percent (by volume) of air that is displaced if all of the liquid nitrogen evaporates. (Liquid nitrogen has a density of 0.807 g/mL.)
Which gas sample has the greatest pressure? Assume that all the samples are at the same temperature. Explain.
This picture represents a sample of gas at a pressure of 1 atm, a volume of 1 L, and a temperature of 25 °C. Draw a similar picture showing what would happen to the sample if the volume were reduced to 0.5 L and the temperature were increased to 250 °C. What would happen to the pressure?