A hormone that reduces the blood glucose level is , and a hormone that increases the blood glucose level is .
Why is it important that the small intestine has a much greater surface area than the stomach or esophagus?
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Surface Area to Volume Ratio
Absorption in the Digestive System
Functional Specialization of Digestive Organs
Explain the role in nutrition of each of the following structures: bird crop, cow rumen, and elephant cecum.
Why is oral rehydration therapy with a solution of sodium chloride and glucose an effective treatment for dehydration? a. The sodium and glucose decrease urine output. b. The sodium and glucose facilitate water absorption by the small intestine. c. The sodium and glucose help kill intestinal bacteria. d. The sodium and glucose make the person thirsty.
Explain why insulin injections are more effective in controlling the blood glucose level in individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus than in those with type 2 diabetes.
When food is plentiful, animals tend to store most of what they eat as fat. Why is this?
Among vertebrates, the large intestine exists only in lineages that are primarily terrestrial (amphibians, reptiles, and mammals). Propose a hypothesis to explain this observation.