When food is plentiful, animals tend to store most of what they eat as fat. Why is this?
Minnows are mainly carnivorous, eating insects and other small animals. However, herbivory has evolved independently in minnows several times. What changes in digestive structure and function are associated with the evolution of herbivory? Which of the following is true of the digestive tracts of minnows? a. They are incomplete but have both a mouth and an anus. b. They are complete, facilitating compartmentalization of digestion in different organs. c. They are incomplete, with no accessory organs. d. They are complete and include a large gastrovascular cavity.
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Digestive System Structure
Herbivory Adaptations
Evolutionary Biology
Among vertebrates, the large intestine exists only in lineages that are primarily terrestrial (amphibians, reptiles, and mammals). Propose a hypothesis to explain this observation.
Minnows are mainly carnivorous, eating insects and other small animals. However, herbivory has evolved independently in minnows several times. What changes in digestive structure and function are associated with the evolution of herbivory? Like cichlids, minnows use their pharyngeal jaws to process food. Suggest some possible structural differences between the teeth on the pharyngeal jaws of carnivorous and herbivorous minnows.
Minnows are mainly carnivorous, eating insects and other small animals. However, herbivory has evolved independently in minnows several times. What changes in digestive structure and function are associated with the evolution of herbivory? Researchers compared the relative gut length—the length of the digestive tract divided by body length—in four species of herbivorous minnows and four species of carnivorous minnows. The results are shown in the graph provided here. Based on these data, what conclusion can you draw about the relationship between diet and gut length?
Minnows are mainly carnivorous, eating insects and other small animals. However, herbivory has evolved independently in minnows several times. What changes in digestive structure and function are associated with the evolution of herbivory? Suggest a function of the difference in relative gut lengths of herbivorous and carnivorous minnows.
Minnows are mainly carnivorous, eating insects and other small animals. However, herbivory has evolved independently in minnows several times. What changes in digestive structure and function are associated with the evolution of herbivory? Which minnows, herbivorous or carnivorous, should exhibit higher cellulase activity in the gut? Explain.