Explain why most endotherms are homeothermic and most ectotherms are poikilothermic.
Explain why it would be impossible for a gorilla the size of King Kong to have fur. (Your answer should explain how the surface area to volume ratio of a normal-sized gorilla would compare to Kong's; relate this to the role of surface area and volume in heat generation and heat transfer, and consider the function of fur.)

Verified Solution

Key Concepts
Surface Area to Volume Ratio
Heat Generation and Transfer
Function of Fur
Human embryonic stem cells are capable of forming all types of cells in the human body. How are these cells similar to meristem cells in plants?
a. Consider three spheres with radii of 1 cm, 5 cm, and 10 cm. Based on what you read in the chapter, predict which sphere will have the highest surface area to volume ratio, and which sphere will have the lowest.
b. Next, calculate the surface area and the volume of each sphere. (Surface area of a sphere=4ππ2; volume of a sphere=(4/3)ππ3.) Plot the results on a graph with radius on the π₯-axis and surface area and volume on the π¦-axis.
c. Which sphere has the highest surface area to volume ratio? The lowest? Explain how the graph shows the relationship between size and surface area to volume ratio.
d. Now imagine that these spheres represent a small, medium, and large endothermic animal. Which animal would lose heat most rapidly? Explain using the surface area to volume ratio.
The dinosaur Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus) is one of the largest terrestrial animals that ever livedβover 20 m in length and weighing over 20 metric tons. Is it more likely that Apatosaurus was homeothermic or poikilothermic? Explain.
Many species of animals on islands are larger than related species on the mainland. Scientists hypothesize that this phenomenon, called island gigantism, evolved in response to the scarcity of competitors and predators on islands. Reduced competition and predation allows species to exploit more resources and frees them from the need to hide in small refuges. The graph shown here compares the average carapace (shell) length of mainland and island tortoises. Summarize the results, then use the data to predict whether the surface area to volume ratio is higher in mainland or island tortoises.
Many species of animals on islands are larger than related species on the mainland. Scientists hypothesize that this phenomenon, called island gigantism, evolved in response to the scarcity of competitors and predators on islands. Reduced competition and predation allows species to exploit more resources and frees them from the need to hide in small refuges. Which tortoises, mainland or island, need to eat more food per gram of their body mass?