In the viral replicative cycle, what reaction do viral proteases catalyze? Select True or False for each statement. T/F They catalyze polymerization of amino acids into peptides. T/F They catalyze folding of long peptide chains into functional proteins. T/F They catalyze cutting of polyprotein chains into functional proteins. T/F They catalyze breaking of peptide bonds
Compare and contrast the bacteriophage lytic cycle and lysogeny by addressing (1) the rate of replication of the viral genome, (2) production of virions, and (3) effect on the host cell.
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Bacteriophage Lytic Cycle
Impact on Host Cell
What features distinguish the seven major categories of viruses?
The outer surface of a virion consists of either a membranous envelope or a protein capsid. How does the outer surface correlate with a virus's mode of exiting a host cell?
If you come down with the flu, should your physician prescribe an antibiotic for you? Explain why or why not.
Of the viruses highlighted in Section 33.4, predict which of the following would be able to make viral proteins if nothing more than its genome were injected into a suitable host cell. a. pea mosaic ([+]ssRNA) virus b. bluetongue (dsRNA) virus c. measles ([−]ssRNA) virus d. human immunodeficiency (RNA reverse-transcribing) virus
If you were in charge of the government's budget devoted to stemming the AIDS epidemic, would you devote most of the resources to drug development or preventive medicine? Defend your answer.