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Ch. 46 - Animal Reproduction

Chapter 22, Problem 8

Which statement about human reproduction is false? a. Fertilization occurs in the oviduct. b. Spermatogenesis and oogenesis require different temperatures. c. An oocyte completes meiosis after a sperm penetrates it. d. The earliest stages of spermatogenesis occur closest to the lumen of the seminiferous tubules.

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Hi everyone. Let's look at our follow next question. Which of the following statements about human reproduction is true. So let's look at our choices here. Choice A. Says fertilization starts when the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus. Well this is not a correct answer. The process when the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus is called implantation fertilization being when the egg and the sperm fuse. So choice A. Is not true Choice B. Says. During the implantation process the sperm enters the ove. Um Well we just saw when looking at Choice A. That implantation is the embryo adhering to the wall of the uterus. So Choice be also incorrect. Now let's look at choice. See that says polly sperm. E. Is prevented through the cortical reaction. Well polly sperm E. If we look at its name, multiple sperm means a phenomenon where more than one sperm uh enter or fused with the egg cell. And this is a correct statement when the egg cell fuses with the egg cell membrane fuses with the sperm cell membrane. That triggers this reaction called the cortical reaction and that prevents any further sperm from fusing with the egg cell membrane causes this change to the membrane itself. So that is correct. Policy for me is prevented through the cortical reaction. Choice C. Is correct. Just to be thorough. We looked down at choice D. Choice D. Says during the cleavage process cells split into two which increases the zygote size. Well this is incorrect. During the cleavage process. The zygote is splitting into multiple cells but with no increase in size, so it rather rapidly splits into multiple cells to form the blast ula, with no increase in its size. So Choice D also incorrect. Thanks for watching See you in the next video.