Textbook Question
Vertebrates and tunicates share a. jaws adapted for feeding. b. a high degree of cephalization. c. an endoskeleton that includes a skull. d. a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord.
Vertebrates and tunicates share a. jaws adapted for feeding. b. a high degree of cephalization. c. an endoskeleton that includes a skull. d. a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord.
Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials a. lack nipples. b. have some embryonic development outside the uterus. c. lay eggs. d. are found in Australia and Africa.
Which clade does not include humans? a. synapsids b. lobe-fins c. diapsids d. osteichthyans
As hominins diverged from other primates, which of the following appeared first? a. reduced jawbones b. an enlarged brain c. the making of stone tools d. bipedal locomotion