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Ch. 43 - The Immune System

Chapter 13, Problem 4

Which of the following statements is true? (A) An antibody has one antigen-binding site. (B) A lymphocyte has receptors for a single antigen. (C) Every antigen has a single epitope. (D) A liver or muscle cell makes two classes of MHC molecule

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Hello everyone. And in today's video we have to follow in problem which cell types have antigens receptors. So before we jump into a problem let us just go over what these antigens receptors are. And these are molecules on top of the cell membranes are usually found in cells belonging to the adaptive immune system that allow them to distinguish foreign pathogens. Allow them to identify these pathogens and then use the adaptive immune system to destroy them. Now that we know this let us quickly go over answer choices So we can identify which ones have antigens receptors in their cell membranes. Beginning by answer choice D neutral field. So neutral fields are actually part of the innate immune system and they kill pathogens by Figo psychosis. So they will not use antigen receptors in order to identify these pathogens. So we are going to cancel them out. Moving on we have mega parasites and these are plainly producing cells so they have no need in identifying pathogens. That's not their job. Their job is to produce playlist. So we're going to cancel them out as well. We have also monos sites and these are the precursors to micro phages and dendritic cells. These are not these they do not contain antigens receptors in their cell membranes as their job is not to identify foreign pathogens. Rather it is to produce these macrophages and dendritic cells. So we're going to cancel them out as well. Liberal would be lymphocytes and some of these lymphocytes include these cells and t cells now T cells include T. S. R. T. C. R. Which are T cell receptors and these are found in their cell membrane that allow them to identify foreign pathogens. So they allow them to just just let the body know that these foreign pathogens are present. And then we also have these B cell receptors or these B. C. R, in the form of immunoglobulins that also allow the body to just be known or know that they are pathogens present via these antigens receptor proteins. And so that is going to be the final answer to our question, lymphocytes and I really hope this video helped.