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Ch. 27 - Bacteria and Archaea

Chapter 7, Problem 5

Which of the following describes a bacterium that lives in the human intestine and causes disease? (A)commensalist (B)decomposer (C)gut mutualist (D)symbiotic pathogen

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Hello everyone. Let's look at our next question. It says which one of the following statements is true regarding bacteria that live inside the gut of humans. As we look over our answers, we see that we do have choice d saying all statements are correct. So just keep in mind that's a possibility. Choice A. Says they are always harmful. Well this is not correct. Um Is this false? Uh Some gut bacteria are beneficial to us actually some are helpful. So Choice A. Not correct. Not all gut bacteria are harmful. Choice B says only parasitic bacteria are harmful because they cause diseases and this is correct. Gonna go out and highlight that is our answer. This is true. As we said there are beneficial gut bacteria. We only need to worry about the parasitic ones that can cause disease. So we've got an answer here. Um But let's for the sake of being thorough keep going. Choice C mutual ist IQ bacteria inside the gut are harmful because they cause decomposition. Well this is false. Mutual listed bacteria are actually helpful. They produce certain vitamins that we need. So choice C. False And in choice D. Since we've got two false answers they cannot all be correct. So Choice D. We cross off choice be only parasitic bacteria are harmful because they cause diseases is our correct answer. See you in the next video