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Chapter 6, Problem 1

Describe three ways that cancer cells differ from normal cells.

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Hello everyone. Here's our next question. Cancerous cells differ from normal cells by and let's pay attention to the fact that one of our choices is d all of these. So the possibility that all of these might be correct. So Choice A. Says having a high ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm. So um that's a little bit complicated but if we think through one of the characteristics of cancer cells is they have a much higher rate of by nuclear nation. Um If we look at the word meaning um having two nuclei per cell um for reasons we don't quite know, cancer cells are much more likely early at the beginning of mitosis. You have the nucleus the genetic material splitting in two. That's called karaoke genesis. Um And the final step in the phase of mitosis is the division of the cytoplasm and two as you form the two daughter cells that would be psychokinesis. So for some reasons we don't understand um cancer cells are much more likely to have the nucleus divide into two but not complete. That process not have the cells split into two. So when we see more cells with two nuclei Purcell we're going to have a higher ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm and a normal cell where we're going to have one nucleus in each cell. So our amount of nucleus comparative amount of cytoplasm will be less in the normal cells. So choice A is correct but we know we have the possibility of all of the above. So we're not going to pick that as our correct answer until we go through the others. Choice B says have more karaoke genesis than psychokinesis. Well, as we went over karaoke genesis and we can think of the word carry A type is the nuclear division. At the beginning of mitosis. Psychokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm. 12 plasm. So as we discussed, yes cancer cells will have more nuclear division than division of cytoplasm. Since again, they have more likelihood of failing in that last step and having the cell completely divide. So choice be also a characteristic of cancer cells. Finally, Choice C having more than one nuclei. Yes. Cancer cells are more likely to be by nuclear ated than normal cells. See also correct and therefore Choice D. All of these must be our answer. So again, all three A B and C. Showing ways cancer cells differ from normal cells. So Choice D. All of these is our answer. See you in the next video