Higher education - Principles of Economics

Get your students thinking like an economist.
With increasing cohort numbers stretching teaching resource and students starting university after years of disrupted education, it is essential students begin their economics course with a solid foundation.
No matter your delivery method, our established and best-selling titles for Principles of Economics will equip your students with the skills and knowledge to excel in their degree and beyond.
New editions
Giving you access to the most up-to-date textbooks on Principles of Economics available, our new editions feature new content on Brexit and COVID-19, encouraging students to view these recent world events from an economic perspective.

Sloman, Garratt and Guest
New edition, publishing Dec 2021
Discover the exciting world of economics and learn to think like an economist, applying key economic concepts and data to understand and analyse solutions to real-world problems – from global issues to a range of everyday problems that affect us all. The new edition is supported by both Revel and MyLab Economics. Learn more about digital support.

Parkin, Powell and Matthews
New edition, publishing March 2022
The new edition provides students with a detailed overview of the principles of economics, placing greater emphasis on applying economic theories to current issues. ‘Economics in Action’ and ‘Economics in the News’ features help them connect theory to the real-world, incorporating the latest developments in Eurozone and UK policy, including Brexit and impact of COVID-19 on the economy. The new edition is also available with an updated MyLab. Learn more about digital support.
MyLab Economics
MyLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment platform designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and test their understanding.
MyLab Economics supports Economics from both Sloman and Parkin. Alongside the etext of the original textbook content you have access to over 300 questions with instant feedback and new animations, making it the go-to tool for assessment and grading.
Whether you’re looking for homework, quiz, testing or assessment options, MyLab can be tailored to your course aims and structure.

Unrivalled lecturer resource support
Most Pearson textbooks include free resources such as PowerPoint slides, companion websites and case studies.
Economics by Sloman, Garratt and Guest is supported by the Sloman Economics News site, updated with monthly blogs relating current affairs to key concepts.
New and widely adopted textbooks
Customise your own print or digital content
Can't find a text to match your course?
From eBooks to whole online courses, we work with instructors to create a customised print or technology solution specific to your course.

What your peers and students are saying
"I use it for formative assessment and to assign practice homework to students. It helps me to keep students engaged and it also gives me an idea of performance – those who use it the most are usually the best performers and those who don’t use it much are usually the ones who struggle."
- Lecturer, MyLab Economics for Sloman, Economics, 10e (intro level Principles Courses)