Economics, Global Edition, 3rd edition
Published by Pearson (July 29, 2024) © 2024
- Daron Acemoglu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- David Laibson Harvard University
- John List University of Chicago
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Forcourses in the principles of economics.
An evidence-based approach to economics Throughout Economics, 3rd Edition, authors DaronAcemoglu, David Laibson, and John List use real economic questions anddata to help you learn about the world around you. Taking a freshapproach, they use the themes of optimization, equilibrium, and empiricism tonot only illustrate the power of simple economic ideas, but also to explain andpredict what’s happening in today’s society. Each chapter begins with anempirical question that is relevant to the life of the reader, and islater answered using data in the Evidence-Based Economics feature. As a resultof the text’s practical emphasis, you learn to apply economicprinciples to guide the decisions you make in your own dailylife.
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