· Data Sets: A number of large data sets containing Taiwan’s real estate measures, automobile fuel consumption, health data, the HEI Cost Data Variable Subset (which Includes the Healthy Eating Index, a measure of diet quality developed by the Economic Research Service and computed for each individual in the survey), New York’s air quality index, and more are described in detail at the end of the chapters where they are used in exercises and case studies.
· Applying Concepts: It is important for students to know statistical concepts and apply those to different situations they face everyday or will face as managers of the future. To aid their understanding,
o Examples have been added to almost all sections that illustrate the application of the concepts or methods of that section to a real-world context (even though the company or organization may be hypothetical).
o Problems are structured to present the perspective of a decision maker and the analysis provided is to help understand the use of statistics in a practical way.
o Case Studies. Several case studies provide students with the opportunity to extend their statistical understanding to the context of research and analysis conducted by professionals.
· Promoting Problem Analysis: Studentsneed to be prepared with the statistical techniques that they will use in business, in areas such as:
o descriptive statistics
o sampling
o time series, and more.
This book includes section Exercises and chapter Exercises and Applications.
o The section exercises begin with straightforward exercises targeted at the topics in each section. These are designed to check understanding of specific topics. It is easy to turn back to the chapter to clarify a concept or review a method.
o The chapter exercisesand applications lead to conclusions about the real world and are more application-based. They usually combine concepts and methods from different sections.
MyLab™ Statistics is not included. Students, if MyLab Statistics is a recommended / mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Statistics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
- Improvement in clarity and relevance of discussions of the core topics included in the book.
- Addition of large databases developed by public research agencies, businesses, and databases from the authors’ own works.
- An extensive number of new end-of-section or end-of-chapter problems that emphasize problem solving using realistic examples, real data sets, and computer based analysis.
MyLab™ Statistics is not included. Students, if MyLab Statistics is a recommended / mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Statistics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.