Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy, 1st edition

Published by FT Press (January 9, 2009) © 2009

  • Dev Patnaik
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  • A print text
Empathy isn't about being touchy-feely. It's the ability to step outside of yourself and see the world as other people do. Empathy helps to make good leaders into great ones: they see new opportunities faster than their competitors, have the courage to take a risk on something new, and have the gut-level intuition that they need to make the right decisions when the path ahead is unclear. Fostering empathy in an entire organization, however, is much harder. The thousands of people that make up a large company inevitably accumulate implicit experiences, feelings, and insights about people that affect the way that each of them makes decisions. But that does not, however, create an organization that has a collective, widespread sense of empathy. This book explains how companies can challenge themselves to meet their customers more than halfway. The author's original approach walks helps readers shift their thinking and their companies' thinking beyond the borders of the organization. The author begins by having the reader explore their own mental models and maps; explores how size and distance have disconnected companies from their true customers; shows how we are wired to care in our brains; and provides a way for companies to drive growth by understanding this truth about their customers: We are them, and they are us.

Part I    The Case for Empathy

Chapter 1        Introduction  3

Chapter 2        The Map is Not the Territory  19

Chapter 3        The Way Things Used to Be  42


Part II   Creating Widespread Empathy

Chapter 4        The Power of Affinity  67

Chapter 5        Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes  85

Chapter 6        Empathy That Lasts  105

Chapter 7        Open All the Windows  124


Part III  The Results of Empathy

Chapter 8        Reframe How You See the World  143

Chapter 9        We Are Them and They Are Us  165

Chapter 10      The Golden Rule  180

Chapter 11      The Hidden Payoff  200


Acknowledgments  217

Endnotes  223

Index  237

About the Authors  251


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