Unified Modeling Language User Guide, The, 2nd edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (July 12, 2017) © 2005

  • Grady Booch

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For nearly ten years, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been the industry standard for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system. As the de facto standard modeling language, the UML facilitates communication and reduces confusion among project stakeholders. The recent standardization of UML 2.0 has further extended the language's scope and viability. Its inherent expressiveness allows users to model everything from enterprise information systems and distributed Web-based applications to real-time embedded systems.

In this eagerly anticipated revision of the best-selling and definitive guide to the use of the UML, the creators of the language provide a tutorial to its core aspects in a two-color format designed to facilitate learning. Starting with an overview of the UML, the book explains the language gradually by introducing a few concepts and notations in each chapter. It also illustrates the application of the UML to complex modeling problems across a variety of application domains. The in-depth coverage and example-driven approach that made the first edition of The Unified Modeling Language User Guide an indispensable resource remain unchanged. However, content has been thoroughly updated to reflect changes to notation and usage required by UML 2.0.

Highlights include:

  • A new chapter on components and internal structure, including significant new capabilities for building encapsulated designs
  • New details and updated coverage of provided and required interfaces, collaborations, and UML profiles
  • Additions and changes to discussions of sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and more
  • Coverage of many other changes introduced by the UML 2.0 specification

With this essential guide, you will quickly get up to speed on the latest features of the industry standard modeling language and be able to apply them to your next software project.

Preface xiii

Part 1: Getting Started 1

Chapter 1: Why We Model 3

The Importance of Modeling 4

Principles of Modeling 8

Object-Oriented Modeling 10

Chapter 2: Introducing the UML 13

An Overview of the UML 14

A Conceptual Model of the UML 17

Architecture 31

Software Development Life Cycle 33

Chapter 3: Hello, World! 37

Key Abstractions 38

Mechanisms 41

Artifacts 43

Part 2: Basic Structural Modeling 45

Chapter 4: Classes 47

Getting Started 47

Terms and Concepts 49

Common Modeling Techniques 54

Hints and Tips 59

Chapter 5: Relationships 61

Getting Started 62

Terms and Concepts 63

Common Modeling Techniques 69

Hints and Tips 74

Chapter 6: Common Mechanisms 75

Getting Started 76

Terms and Concepts 77

Common Modeling Techniques 84

Hints and Tips 88

Chapter 7: Diagrams 89

Getting Started 90

Terms and Concepts 91

Common Modeling Techniques 96

Hints and Tips 101

Chapter 8: Class Diagrams 103

Getting Started 103

Terms and Concepts 105

Common Modeling Techniques 106

Hints and Tips 113

Part 3: Advanced Structural Modeling 115

Chapter 9: Advanced Classes 117

Getting Started 117

Terms and Concepts 118

Common Modeling Techniques 130

Hints and Tips 131

Chapter 10: Advanced Relationships 133

Getting Started 134

Terms and Concepts 135

Common Modeling Techniques 148

Hints and Tips 149

Chapter 11: Interfaces, Types, and Roles 151

Getting Started 151

Terms and Concepts 153

Common Modeling Techniques 157

Hints and Tips 161

Chapter 12: Packages 163

Getting Started 164

Terms and Concepts 165

Common Modeling Techniques 170

Hints and Tips 174

Chapter 13: Instances 175

Getting Started 175

Terms and Concepts 176

Common Modeling Techniques 182

Hints and Tips 183

Chapter 14: Object Diagrams 185

Getting Started 185

Terms and Concepts 187

Common Modeling Techniques 188

Hints and Tips 191

Chapter 15: Components 193

Getting Started 193

Terms and Concepts 194

Common Modeling Techniques 203

Hints and Tips 205

Part 4: Basic Behavioral Modeling 207

Chapter 16: Interactions 209

Getting Started 210

Terms and Concepts 211

Common Modeling Techniques 221

Hints and Tips 222

Chapter 17: Use Cases 225

Getting Started 225

Terms and Concepts 228

Common Modeling Techniques 236

Hints and Tips 237

Chapter 18: Use Case Diagrams 239

Getting Started 239

Terms and Concepts 241

Common Modeling Techniques 242

Hints and Tips 248

Chapter 19: Interaction Diagrams 249

Getting Started 250

Terms and Concepts 251

Common Modeling Techniques 260

Hints and Tips 264

Chapter 20: Activity Diagrams 267

Getting Started 268

Terms and Concepts 269

Common Modeling Techniques 280

Hints and Tips 284

Part 5: Advanced Behavioral Modeling 285

Chapter 21: Events and Signals 287

Getting Started 287

Terms and Concepts 288

Common Modeling Techniques 293

Hints and Tips 296

Chapter 22: State Machines 297

Getting Started 298

Terms and Concepts 300

Common Modeling Techniques 315

Hints and Tips 318

Chapter 23: Processes and Threads 319

Getting Started 320

Terms and Concepts 321

Common Modeling Techniques 326

Hints and Tips 330

Chapter 24: Time and Space 331

Getting Started 331

Terms and Concepts 332

Common Modeling Techniques 335

Hints and Tips 338

Chapter 25: State Diagrams 339

Getting Started 340

Terms and Concepts 341

Common Modeling Techniques 343

Hints and Tips 347

Part 6: Architectural Modeling 349

Chapter 26: Artifacts 351

Getting Started 351

Terms and Concepts 352

Common Modeling Techniques 355

Hints and Tips 360

Chapter 27: Deployment 361

Getting Started 361

Terms and Concepts 362

Common Modeling Techniques 366

Hints and Tips 368

Chapter 28: Collaborations 369

Getting Started 369

Terms and Concepts 371

Common Modeling Techniques 376

Hints and Tips 382

Chapter 29: Patterns and Frameworks 383

Getting Started 383

Terms and Concepts 385

Common Modeling Techniques 389

Hints and Tips 394

Chapter 30: Artifact Diagrams 395

Getting Started 395

Terms and Concepts 396

Common Modeling Techniques 398

Hints and Tips 407

Chapter 31: Deployment Diagrams 409

Getting Started 409

Terms and Concepts 411

Common Modeling Techniques 413

Hints and Tips 419

Chapter 32: Systems and Models 421

Getting Started 421

Terms and Concepts 423

Common Modeling Techniques 426

Hints and Tips 428

Part 7: Wrapping Up 431

Chapter 33: Applying the UML 433

Transitioning to the UML 433

Where to Go Next 435

Appendix A: UML Notation 437

Appendix B: Rational Unified Process 443

Glossary 451

Index 463

Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson are the original designers of the Unified Modeling Language and three of the most widely known names in the field of software engineering. Accomplished authors, they are recognized worldwide for many significant contributions to the development of object technology, including the Booch Method, the Object Modeling Technique (OMT), and the Objectory (OOSE) Process. Booch and Rumbaugh work at IBM, and Jacobson is an independent consultant.

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