Trading Commodities and Financial Futures: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering the Markets (paperback), 4th edition

Published by Longman (March 11, 2013) © 2013

  • George Kleinman



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Commodities have become an asset class every bit as important as stocks and bonds. As the world adds 80 million new consumers every year, commodities’ profit opportunities have grown larger than ever. If you’re an active trader, you need to be in these markets. But in an era of unprecedented volatility driven by high-frequency computer trading, most commodities traders lose money. George Kleinman will help you become one of the winners.

Kleinman introduces powerful new trend-based techniques for making the trades that are right in your “sweet spot” for profits. You’ll learn exactly how the commodities markets have changed – and how you can use consistent discipline to avoid “shark-infested waters” and manage the market’s most dangerous risks.

Building on more than 30 years of success, Kleinman begins with the basics, explaining how futures and options trading work today, how trading psychology impacts commodity markets, and how to avoid the latest pitfalls. He offers extensively updated coverage of electronic trading, today’s contracts, and advanced trading techniques – including his own exclusive Pivot Indicator approach.

Three previous editions of this book have become international best-sellers; they’ve helped thousands of traders master commodities trading. But the game has changed. Win it the way it’s played right now, with Trading Commodities and Financial Futures, Fourth Edition.

An international best seller now extensively updated for new market realities, strategies and trends!

  • Presents powerful new trend-based techniques for making the trades that are in your “sweet spot” for profits
  • Contains five new chapters, including a complete insider’s primer on becoming a successful trader
  • Presents powerful new systems for profiting from increased volatility, the presence of high frequency trading, and other massive market changes
  • Introduces Kleinman’s high-profit Pivot Indicator technique, covered in no other tutorial

Introduction     1

Chapter 1: The Four Essentials     5

Chapter 2: How to Become a Successful Trader     11

Chapter 3: A Diabolical Story     17

Chapter 4: The Futures Primer     21

Chapter 5: The Options Course     45

Chapter 6: The Intermediate Trading Course (Or Just Enough to Be Dangerous!)     75

Chapter 7: Algorithms Eliminating People     115

Chapter 8: The Advanced Trading Course     127

Chapter 9: The Moving Averages Primer     193

Chapter 10: GK’s Pivot Indicator     205

Chapter 11: And Finally     219

Appendix: 25 Trading Secrets of the Pros     229

George Kleinman is the president of Commodity Resource Corp., a futures advisory and trading firm that assists individual traders and corporate hedgers. George has a track record of success in the commodity futures business that spans more than 30 years.

A graduate of Ohio State, with an MBA from Hofstra University, George entered the commodity trading business with Merrill Lynch Commodities in 1979. When he left Merrill to start his own trading firm, George was a member of ”The Golden Circle” (the top 10 commodity brokers internationally).

From 1983 to 1995, Commodity Resource was located on the trading floor of the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, where George held multiple memberships and served on the MGE board of directors. George was also a member of the COMEX Exchange for over a decade.

George has been featured for his trading in national publications and has lectured at major financial conferences regarding his trading techniques. He is the author of four previous books on commodities and futures trading and is an active trader for clients as well as his own account. George has developed his own proprietary trading techniques, some of which are highlighted in this edition.

In 1995, George and his family moved to northern Nevada, and he now trades from an office overlooking beautiful Lake Tahoe.

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