Total Learning: Developmental Curriculum for the Young Child, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (January 3, 2010) © 2011

  • Joanne Hendrick
  • Patricia Weissman

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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  • Total Learning includes a strong emphasis on multicultural, nonsexist, inclusive education.
  • It emphasizes teaching the whole child–not just the child from the neck up.
  • It explains Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories and their implications for early childhood education.
  • It demonstrates how the emergent and the conventional approaches to teaching the cognitive self can work together for the benefit of the children.
  • It includes extensive explanations of the Reggio Emilia approach together with many practical suggestions for integrating aspects of that philosophy into the curriculum.
  • A series of videotapes originally made for Total Learning’s companion book, The Whole Child, funded by the Annenberg CPB Project, coordinates well with Total Learning and is available in both Spanish and English. These are available for purchase on the Annenberg Media website at
  • The “Organizations and Online Resources,” a popular feature, include hundreds of new sources for further reading for both beginning and advanced students.
  • “Food for Thought and Group Discussion” questions and “Self-Check Questions for Review” are provided as study aids at the end of each chapter.
  • New examples of “Emergent Curriculum in Action” are featured throughout the text, in which teachers in different types of programs, and with students from toddler age to 2nd graders, describe an example of how they used the emergent approach in planning curriculum.
  • New discussion of intentional teaching woven throughout the text.
  • Updated material on the implications of recent research on the brain for educating young children.
  • Because of current concerns, the issues of assessment and educational standards have been expanded, including discussion of the No Child Left Behind Act and how to incorporate both developmentally appropriate practice and standards into early childhood programs.
  • Updated information on teaching children in the K–3 primary grades.
  • Updated references and chapter opening quotes, with the majority current within the past five years.
  • Updated discussion about the school environment using examples from Reggio Emilia and referencing the interaction between environment and brain development.
  • New discussion about using an emergent curriculum approach in the early elementary grades.
  • Discussion of “Helping Children Learn to Cherish Their Bodies” from the former chapter 10 is now included in chapter 8, Keeping Children Safe and Well Fed, and chapter 10 has been eliminated.
  • New discussion about the importance of providing nature experiences to young children.
  • Updated “Chart of Normal Development” (Appendix A) now includes children up to age eight.
  • New information about the recommended immunization schedule for children (Appendix C).
  • New information about choosing multicultural literature (Appendix D).

Part I - Building a Secure Foundation for Learning

Chapter 1

The Purpose of Curriculum

What Is the Purpose of Early Education?

What Should Curriculum for Young Children Include?

What Is Competence?

How Is Competence Acquired?

What Does Research on the Brain Reveal About the Value of Early Education?

Educational Philosophies

Philosophy of This Book

Putting It Into Practice


Chapter Spotlight: A Summary of Findings and Educational Implications Related to Recent Brain Research

Emergent Curriculum in Action: Toddlers’ Investigation of Light and Shadow


Chapter 2

Including Families in the Life of the School

Letting Families Know We Care About Them and Their Children

Accepting Help from Families to Enrich the Lives of Children at the Center

Offering Help to Families to Strengthen Family Life

Weaving All Three Strands Together

Helping Families in Nontraditional Settings


Chapter Spotlight: The Parent-Resource Strand in the Preprimary Schools of Reggio Emilia

Chapter Spotlight: The Parent-Resource Strand in the Parent—Child Workshops of Santa Barbara, California


Chapter 3

Play: The Integrative Force in Learning

But What Is Play?

Practical Ways to Encourage Freely Chosen Pretend Play

Additional Benefits of Play

Helping Children with Disabilities Join in the Play


Chapter Spotlight: Surefire Pretend Play Activities



Part II  - Planning for Total Learning

Chapter 4

Designing the Supportive Environment

Some Yardstick Questions to Ask

Planning the Indoor Environment

Planning the Outdoor Environment

Maintaining the Total Environment in Good Order


Chapter Spotlight: Providing Comfortable Environments for the Emotional Self


Chapter 5

Creating Supportive Curriculum Plans and Schedules

The Basic Ingredients: What Should Be Included in the Curriculum?

Planning What Will Happen: Devising the Curriculum Plan

Planning When It Will Happen: Devising the Daily Schedule


Chapter Spotlight: How a Potential Pathway Might Develop with 4-Year-Olds: Planning a Larger Pen for Funny Bunny


Chapter 6

Getting to Know the Children by Keeping Track of What They’re Learning

Is Keeping Systematic Track of the Children’s Development Really Worth the Time and Effort It Requires?

Important Principles to Remember

Some Informal Ways to Keep Track of the Children’s Development

Using More Formal Methods to Keep Track of the Children’s Development

Putting the Collected Information to Good Use



Chapter 7

Planning with Individual Children in Mind: Using Behavioral Objectives in the School

Pros and Cons of Using Behavioral Objectives

Definition of Formal Behavioral Objectives

Steps in Writing Behavioral Objectives

Creating Informal Objectives

Carrying the Objectives Through: Final Comments


Chapter Spotlight: Just What Is an IEP and Why Do Teachers Have to Care About It?



Part III - Helping Young Children Relish Life and Develop Healthy Bodies

Chapter 8

Keeping Children Safe and Well Fed

Keeping Children Safe

Keeping Children Healthy

Feeding Children Well

Including Cooking in the Curriculum


Chapter Spotlight: Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children

Chapter Spotlight: MyPyramid for Kids


Chapter 9

Developing Physical Competence

The Great Outdoors

Physical Activity Benefits All the Selves

Identifying Levels of Development

Equipment for Physical Development

Make a Plan for Comprehensive Physical Development

Recommendations for Presenting the Activities



Chapter 10

Helping Children Understand and Value Life

Teaching Reverence for Life

Helping Children Learn to Cherish Their Bodies

Answering Questions About Reproduction

Answering Questions About Death


Chapter Spotlight: Helping Children Understand and Appreciate the Wonder of Animals

Emergent Curriculum in Action: How Does the Gosling Get in the Egg?

Chapter Spotlight: The Death of the Chief



Part IV - Fostering Emotional Health in Young Children

Chapter 11

Achieving Emotional Competence

Competence One: Foster Basic Attitudes of Trust, Autonomy, Initiative, and Industry

Competence Two: Help the Child Learn to Separate from the Family

Competence Three: Help Children Learn to Control What They Do About Their Feelings

Competence Four: Help Children Use Play and Creative Materials to Resolve Emotional Problems

Competence Five: Help Children Learn to Face Reality

Competence Six: Help Children Cope with Crisis Situations

Competence Seven: Help Children Build Empathy for Other People


Emergent Curriculum in Action: The World Trade Center Memorial Park for Children



Part V - Developing Social Competence and Healthy Self-Identities

Chapter 12

Getting Along Together: Achieving Competence in Interpersonal Relations

Help Children Learn Impulse Control

Short-Term Methods for Controlling Undesirable Behaviors and Building Inner Controls in Children

Longer-Term Methods of Building Inner Controls: Using Prevention Rather than Cure

Teach Children Socially Acceptable Ways of Getting What They Want

Help Children Make Friends

Increase the Child’s Ability to Function Successfully as Part of a Group

Encourage Children to Be Kind to Each Other, Help Each Other, and Help the Group


Chapter Spotlight: What’s Wrong with Time Out?


Chapter 13

Who Am I? Who Are You?: Coming to Terms with Multicultural, Gender, and Disability Issues

How Do Young Children See Themselves?

How Do Children Develop a Sense of Self?

Practical Ways to Enhance Children’s Feelings of Self-Esteem

Strengthen Children’s Positive Body Images

Cultivate Positive Feelings About Sexual Identities, Ethnic and Racial Heritages, and Children with Disabilities

Foster Positive Attitudes Toward Racial and Cultural Backgrounds

Foster Positive Attitudes Toward Gender Roles

Foster Acceptance and Understanding of Children Who Have Disabilities


Chapter Spotlight: You Mean You’re Black All Over? A Student Teacher’s Lab Experiences with “Isabella”



Part VI - Encouraging Children to Be Creative

Chapter 14

Freeing Children to Be Creative

What Is Creativity?

Some General Principles for Fostering Creativity

Some New Ideas About Creativity from Reggio Emilia

Using Pretend Play to Foster Creativity

Using Blocks to Express Creative Ideas

Using Self-Expressive Materials to Foster Creativity




Part VII - Fostering the Use of Language

Chapter 15

Developing Verbal Competence

How Do Children Learn to Talk?

Practical Ways to Encourage Children to Use Their Expressive Language Skills

Practical Ways to Encourage Children to Use Their Receptive Listening Skills

Black English and Bilingualism

The Child Who Is Not Fluent in Any Language


Chapter Spotlight: Language and the Brain


Chapter 16

Taking the First Steps on the Road to Literacy

Three Important Principles About Literacy

What Kinds of Literacy-Related Behaviors Can Reasonably Be Expected from Young Children?

Practical Ways to Enhance Emergent Literacy Skills

Using Group Time to Develop Literacy Skills

Some Additional Suggestions for Enhancing Literacy with Primary School Children


Chapter Spotlight: Why Do Some Children Dislike Group Time So Much?

Emergent Curriculum in Action: Our Birds



Part VIII - Supporting Children’s Cognitive Development

Chapter 17

Helping Children Learn to Think for Themselves: Using the Emergent Approach

Three Approaches to Fostering Mental Abilities

Contributions of Lev Vygotsky

Using the Emergent Approach: An Example from Reggio Emilia

Using the Emergent Approach in U.S. Schools: Some Recommendations



Chapter 18

Helping Children Develop Mental Abilities and Academic Competence: Using the Conventional Approach

Contributions of Jean Piaget

A Brief Comparison of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Points of View

Which Mental Abilities Are Particularly Important?

Fostering Mental Abilities to Develop Children’s Literacy, Mathematical Understanding, and Scientific Inquiry Skills

Activities That Provide Practice for General Mental Abilities

Opportunities to Learn Mathematical Skills

Practical Ways to Include Mental Abilities in the Everyday Curriculum


Chapter Spotlight: An Example of How Mid-Level Mental Abilities Could Be Included in the Topic of Gardening for a Group of 4-Year-Olds

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