Teaching Reading to Students Who Are At Risk or Have Disabilities: A Multi-Tier, RTI Approach, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (March 25, 2014) © 2015

  • William D. Bursuck The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Mary Damer


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Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eTextThe Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded videos enrich the experience with the text by allowing readers to see real teachers in real classrooms, sharing their insights. (See pages 33, 61, 123, and 304 for examples.)
  • “Pop Up” checks for understanding throughout each chapter help students and instructors evaluate how well students are able to apply the course material to actual teaching situations. (See pages 7, 9, 123, and 300 for examples.)
  • Internet resources. Weblinks to further explore content related to the chapter. (See pages 146, 216, and 314 for examples.) 

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book! Instructors, visit pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks to register for your digital examination copy.

Additional text features include:

  • More than a list of scientifically validated teaching strategies: All practices included in this timely text are integrated into a systematic teaching process that stresses the use of student outcome data within authentic classroom contexts to guide practice. Further:
    • Each strategy has been field tested with at-risk children in both rural and urban teaching settings; Most strategies come from the authors’ work every day with at-risk children.
    • Strategies for providing systematic, explicit instruction in all five essential areas of reading are covered: phonemic awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
    • All of the teaching strategies are carefully tied to current specific assessments, best practices in Response to Intervention, and the new Common Core Standards, producing a level of effectiveness and accountability required of all teachers in today’s schools.
  • Uses numerous teaching and learning aids to ensure comprehension of the concepts and ideas: Included are concrete classroom examples; unique chapter-opening vignettes; Reflective Teacher features; Research to Practice features and articles; tables describing research-based programs that are effective for students in Tier 3.
    • Concrete classroom examples prepare teachers to assess and interpret assessment results to guide their teaching. Teachers are prepared to engage in data-based decision making using curriculum-based assessments for universal screening, error analysis, and progress monitoring.
    • Unique chapter-opening vignettes profile students and include short introductions, goals and objectives in reading, and tips for differentiating instruction for the child in the vignette. Students see clearly the relationship between assessment, goals setting, and instruction, and how these elements come together effectively in the classroom.
    • Reflective Teacher features allow teachers to be privy to the thoughts and actions of effective teachers, making the strategies more understandable and easier to apply. (Chs. 1-5)
    • Research to Practice features and articles throughout the text help teachers apply research-based practices and strategies in their classrooms.
    • Tables describing research-based programs that are effective for students in Tier 3 who require intensive intervention have been updated to reflect program updates and to include additional resources for older struggling readers.
    • NEW! Chapter Summaries reinforce the major points highlighted throughout each chapter.
  • Keeps teachers informed and up to date on the key areas of importance in teaching struggling readers today: Included are Strategies, assessment, and curricula for teaching beginning decoding skills; Practical tips for teaching reading within a Response to Intervention framework; descriptions of the Common Core Standards skills for each of the five areas of reading instruction; and scripted teaching formats.
    • Strategies, assessment, and curricula for teaching beginning decoding skills are clearly identified and differentiated from those for teaching more advanced word reading. (Ch. 3 and 4)
    • Practical tips for teaching reading within a Response to Intervention framework are described along with examples on how they can be implemented.
    • Common Core Standards skills for each of the five areas of reading instruction are described to help teachers prepare for and meet the push for increased accountability and the new related tests.
    • Scripted teaching formats in Chapters 1 to 5 provide helpful scaffolding for teachers new to implementing systematic, explicit reading instruction.
    • NEW! Issues related to the differentiation of reading instruction for students who are at risk given the increased text complexity demands required by the Common Core Standards are addressed, helping teachers learn to juggle the demands of research-based reading and spelling instruction necessary to increase progress for at-risk children.
    • NEW! The new DIBELS Next assessments and norms are addressed in the updated assessment sections in each chapter.
      • The new information reflects the new First Sound Fluency measure for beginning phonemic awareness, the move to scoring whole word reading on the Nonsense Word Fluency Assessment, and a new measure for screening and progress monitoring comprehension, DAZE.

Invigorate learning with the Enhanced Pearson eText
The Enhanced Pearson eText provides a rich, interactive learning environment designed to improve student mastery of content with the following multimedia features:

  • Embedded videos enrich the experience with the text by allowing readers to see real teachers in real classrooms, sharing their insights. (See pages 33, 61, 123, and 304 for examples.)
  • “Pop Up” checks for understanding throughout each chapter help students and instructors evaluate how well students are able to apply the course material to actual teaching situations. (See pages 7, 9, 123, and 300 for examples.)
  • Internet resources. Weblinks to further explore content related to the chapter. (See pages 146, 216, and 314 for examples.)

Students can experience the advantages of the Enhanced Pearson eText along with all the benefits of print for 40% to 50% less than a print bound book! Instructors, visit pearsonhighered.com/etextbooks to register for your digital examination copy.

Key content changes include:

  • NEW! Chapter Summaries reinforce the major points highlighted throughout each chapter.
  • NEW! Issues related to the differentiation of reading instruction for students who are at risk given the increased text complexity demands required by the Common Core Standards are addressed, helping teachers learn to juggle the demands of research-based reading and spelling instruction necessary to increase progress for at-risk children.
  • NEW! The new DIBELS Next assessments and norms are addressed in the updated assessment sections in each chapter.
    • The new information reflects the new First Sound Fluency measure for beginning phonemic awareness, the move to scoring whole word reading on the Nonsense Word Fluency Assessment, and a new measure for screening and progress monitoring comprehension, DAZE.
  • NEW! The new focus on AIMSweb Rate of Improvement (ROI) scores and their analysis are addressed and clearly described to give readers another indicator of how effective instruction has been for a student.
  • NEW! An expanded chapter on fluency (Ch. 5) provides new strategies and activities for teaching students who struggle to develop adequate reading fluency.
  • NEW! Additional strategies for providing a more in-depth approach to teaching comprehension includes additional support for generating inferential questions and planning comprehension lessons–teachers get effective, practical methods of teaching students to understand the more complex text required by the new Common Core Standards.
  • NEW! The increased emphasis on the needs of Tier 3 students in Response to Intervention (RTI) programs is reflected; newly developed computer and assistive technology providing differentiated instruction for students in Tier 3 is highlighted; and issues that arise when a disproportionate percentage of students in a low-achieving school are identified as needing Tier 3 support are addressed.

Chapter 1        An Introduction to Systematic, Explicit Reading Instruction

Chapter 2        Phonemic Awareness

Chapter 3        Beginning Reading/Early Decoding

Chapter 4        Advanced Word Reading

Chapter 5        Reading Fluency

Chapter 6        Vocabulary Instruction

Chapter 7        Comprehension

Appendix A      Early Reading Assessment Batteries Used for Screening

Appendix B      DIBELS Benchmarks

Appendix C      Consonant Blends, Consonant Digraphs, and Diphthongs

Appendix D      Beginning Phonics Diagnostic Assessment

Appendix E      Lesson Plan for Beginning Reader

Appendix F      Advanced Word-Reading Diagnostic Assessment

Appendix G     Diagnostic Spelling Assessment for Advanced Readers 

Appendix H     Lesson Plan for an Advanced Word Reader

Appendix I      Tests of Vocabulary     


Name Index

Subject Index

Bill Bursuck is currently a Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Bursuck has been interested in reading instruction ever since teaching reading as an inner-city elementary school teacher in Buffalo New York. In search of better answers to the literacy puzzle, Dr. Bursuck first pursued a Master's degree in special education from the University of Vermont, and then further training as a Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since that time he has been involved in preparing special and general education teachers to employ the systematic and explicit instruction needed to effectively teach students who are at-risk or have disabilities to read. Dr. Bursuck has been the principal Investigator for millions of dollars in federal grants, including Project PRIDE, the model-demonstration research grant that provided the basis for the multi-tier practices in this text. He has published numerous research articles and is the co-author of a best-selling textbook on inclusive practices with Dr. Marilyn Friend.

Mary Damer is currently coordinating a multi-tiered reading project in seven Ohio special education charter schools through Multi-Tier LLC,a consulting company she co-founded that works with school districts to increase reading achievement through an intensive, prevention-based, multi-tiered model . . . A former visiting professor at The Ohio State University, Mary also has past experience as a principal and behavior consultant which led to her keen interest in preventing reading problems. Mary observed that a large proportion of students referred for behavior problems could not read near grade level and eventually documented the role that inadequate reading skills played in the book she co-authored, Managing Unmanageable Students: Practical Solutions for Administrators. Her desire to reduce disruptive behavior in schools by increasing the numbers of students who could read at grade level eventually influenced her to take the role of field director for Project Pride, a federally funded early literacy model demonstration program.

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