T-SQL Fundamentals, 3rd edition

Published by Microsoft Press (August 3, 2016) © 2017

  • Itzik Ben-Gan



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Students will master the fundamentals of Transact-SQL—and develop their own code for querying and modifying data in Microsoft SQL Server 2016. Led by a SQL Server expert, readers learn the concepts behind T-SQL querying and programming, and then apply their knowledge with exercises in each chapter. Once students understand the logic behind T-SQL, they'll quickly learn how to write effective code.

  • Explains the why's, not just the how's, of T-SQL to vastly improve learners' understanding.
  • Up to date with SQL Server 2016 and Microsoft Azure SQL Database.
  • Written by an acknowledged master in the T-SQL and SQL Server field.
This edition of the book adds more exercises, a chapter on temporal tables (Chapter 8) and a chapter on T-SQL tips and tricks (Chapter 12). And it updates the content for Microsoft SQL Server through version 2016 and Microsoft Azure SQL Database.   
Contents at a Glance


CHAPTER 1 Background to T-SQL querying and programming 

CHAPTER 2 Single-table queries 


CHAPTER 4 Subqueries

CHAPTER 5 Table expressions

CHAPTER 6 Set operators

CHAPTER 7 Beyond the fundamentals of querying

CHAPTER 8 Data modification

CHAPTER 9 Temporal tables

CHAPTER 10 Transactions and concurrency

CHAPTER 11 Programmable objects

Appendix: Getting started


TZIK BEN-GAN is a mentor with and co-founder of SolidQ. A Microsoft Data Platform MVP since 1999, Itzik has taught numerous training events around the world focused on T-SQL querying, query tuning, and programming. Itzik is the author of several books about T-SQL. He has written many articles for SQL Server Pro as well as articles and white papers for MSDN and The SolidQ Journal. Itzik’s speaking engagements include Tech-Ed, SQL PASS, SQL Server Connections, presentations to various SQL Server user groups, and SolidQ events.

Itzik is a subject-matter expert within SolidQ for its T-SQL related activities. He authored SolidQ’s Advanced T-SQL and T-SQL Fundamentals courses and delivers them regularly worldwide. You can learn more about Itzik at http://tsql.solidq.com/.

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